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During Activity Time there will be several options including, one hour breakout sessions, waterfront, hiking, resting, and crafts.
THURSDAY3:00 pm - Volunteers and leaders may begin to check in 5:00 pm - Check in begins 6:15 pm - Dinner 7:30 pm - Round Up 9:30 pm - Cabin time 10:30 pm - Lights out
FRIDAY7:30-8:45 am - Breakfast 9:00 am - Round Up 11:30 am - Break 12:00 am - Lunch 1:00 pm - Small Group Discussions 2:00 pm - 5:30pm Rest Hour/Activities/Me Time 5:30 pm - Appetizers 6:00 pm - Dinner 7:30 pm - Round Up 9:30 pm - Cabin Time 10:00 pm - Lights Out *During Activity Time there will be several options including: Waterfront, Hiking, Resting, and Crafts. There should be enough time for a person to do more than one activity.
SATURDAY7:15 am - Sunrise Breakfast Hike 7:00 am - 8:45 am Breakfast 9:00 am - Round Up 11:30 am - Break Handmade Market Open 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Small Group Discussions 2:00 pm - 5pm Rest Hour/Activities/Me Time 5:00 pm - Appetizers/Handmade Market Open 6:00 pm - Esther’s Banquet Dinner 7:30 pm - Round Up 9:00 pm - Dessert Party/Handmade Market Open *During Activity Time there will be several options including: Waterfront , Hiking , Resting, and Crafts. There should be enough time for a person to do more than one activity.
SUNDAY7:30-8:30 am - Breakfast (please wear Sunday whites) 9:00 am - Round Up Communion Service, special music with Alexis Arai 9:45 am - Clean up and pack up 10:30am - Brunch 12:00 pm - Departure (no later)
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